Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tips To Keep Your Child From The Dangers Of Electricity

Electrical hazards can threaten the safety of your child. Especially babies, they are very interested in unique objects such as cables, electrical sockets, and other things related to electricity. Your child does not understand what electricity they just saw that objects in front of it interesting and they just want to touch it.

Here are some tips to keep your child from electrical threats:

  1. Try to always cover the hole electrical sockets
    Children do not think about why there are plug sockets so they just want to hold it to prevent their direct contact with the plug sockets put a cover. Or it could also put a stop contacts that have automatic cover.
  2. Keep away the tools associated with the electricity from the water
    Water is a conductor of electricity so do not put objects associated with the electricity around water.
  3. Checking cable if the cable is routinely used in open areas
    Cable here is meant cable used to extend the use of electrical items such as vacuum cleaner, iron and others. If the cables there are parts that peeled off then it will be very harmful to our children.
  4. If children play without supervision, let them play on carpet
    If they are play on the carpet that will decrease the grounding so electric not too heavy.

Electricity is very dangerous both for the elderly, young, and even babies. So we must safeguard our children to avoid electrical shock. They needs patience from us so they can keep safe.

1 komentar:

Saphia said...

Danger by ELICTRIC is terrible. Thanks for useful post.

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