Friday, July 15, 2011

Ways of Moral Learning In Elementary School Age

Moral concepts at the primary school age are no longer small as in childhood. In childhood, children behave morally in specific situations only. Children learn how to act without knowing why they do certain actions. Meanwhile, when the child enters school age they begin to expand his knowledge so that certain behaviors appear in any situation. For example, children do not lie for fear of his parents, but after they are no greater act of lying is not only to parents alone but to everyone they should not be lying.

To educate children morally required several elements that is :

  1. The role of law, habits / ways and rules in moral development
    When childhood children not required to submit to the laws and customs, as when they are adults. Once the child enters school age, children begin to be taught a little about the laws prevailing in their environment.
    Gradually children learn the rules established by different groups such as home, school, and home environment / neighborhood. They also learn to fear the rule and if the violation would be punished or lack of acceptance in the social environment.
  2. The role of conscience in moral development The conscience is an internal control of behavior. Conscience is something that is complex for children. Therefore, at the beginning of their behavior more controlled by their environment. We must instill good habits to the child because then the child will feel something strange if they did act out of character for what they do.
  3. The role of guilt and shame in the moral development In immoral behavior, guilt needs to exist. Someone has to adhere to custom or order kramadari social groups through a standard direction within. Guilt is an important tool for cultural survival as it allows individuals to behave according to moral values ​​in society. If the child does not feel guilty then the child will not be motivated to learn about what is expected by their social group.
  4. The role of social interaction in moral development Social interaction plays an important role in the moral development of children because it can provide the basics of acceptable behavior in their community. If the child does not interact with the environment then the child will not know what behavior is acceptable in her social.

1 komentar:

Nick Jacobs said...

I'm planning to travel with my family to Chicago for Thanksgiving, does anyone know the best way to get cheap tickets at such a busy time of year for a family of four?

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